Hello again! Hudson Valley, New York Photographer

Greetings from Amanda Lane Photography!

It sure has been awhile! A goal I have set for myself for 2020 is to get back into blogging! It’s hard to believe that so much time has passed. My son was born in May and he is already 10 months old. When I was pregnant everyone said to me, time flies, soak in every moment, don’t blink… Then when he was born people would say, “wow, he is changing so fast”, or “wow I can’t believe how much he has grown!”. Now every cliche, every saying that anyone has ever spoken to me are now true. I am that mom that wants to scream “STOP!” or beg time to be frozen so he stays this little forever. However, I am loving watching him learn and grow over time.

And now it seems as if time is frozen. We are all faced with a lot of uncertainties and unknowns. However, I am taking this time to soak in watching Nolan play with his toys, try new foods and grow some new teeth while I am home from work.

Although there are a lot of scary things going on, I encourage you to take this time to focus on the good. Text someone different every day and ask them what they are grateful for, call or Facetime people just to say hello, start a journal. Take this time to get back into different activities that you may have lost touch with or start something new! For me, I am taking this time to also finish a book I started a month ago, I am running and walking outside a few times a week and I’m getting back into my blog! Over the next few weeks, keep an eye out for some of my sessions that I have done over the last few months! I have met a lot of new families and have captured some families who I have watched grow over the years. Thank you to all my families- new and old.

I am sending everyone a lot of positive vibes from my small corner of the world. Now that the world is on pause, soak up this time and find something you are grateful for.

Below are some images from Erin Lane Photography and Lollipop Woods Photography

Erin Lane Photography


Lollipop Woods Photography



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